Welcome to Scarborough & District Railway Modellers' website

Railway modelling

for almost 50 years


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Arncliffe is our next layout going to a show. 

It will be exhibiting at the

Driffield Model Railway Show

where they raise funds for the Yorkshire Wolds Railway

We have heard people say
"I don't have room for a layout".

Arncliffe is an example of how that problem can be easily overcome.  

The layout folds in two, reducing the 6ft x 4ft layout to be small enough to slide behind the sofa or under the bed.  All the wiring is hidden under the scenery – no wires pass through the board, leaving the now varnished external surfaces smooth and snag-free.

The layout is DCC, controlled by a Digitrax system. Most locos are sound fitted.

Four new layouts are currently being built at the Club:  

  • 00 gauge (16ft x 2ft)   Grosmont (see below)
  • H0 gauge (9ft x 4ft)    a Marklin 3 rail DCC layout
  • TT120     (4ft x 2ft)    Marwar Junction - a shunting puzzle
  • N gauge  (5ft x 21/2ft) Museum Yard

Many members are also working on layouts at home.
One of the advantages of being a Club member is that help is always at hand...


Grosmont station

Work has begun in earnest on the Club's latest 00 gauge layout.

We hope to have this ready to exhibit in 2026.