Welcome to Scarborough & District Railway Modellers' website

Welcome to Scarborough & District Railway Modellers


Formed almost 50 years ago in 1978, we are an established local model railway club serving the Yorkshire coast and eastern region of North Yorkshire.  SDRM is a small friendly club, with membership numbers close to 30, who meet regularly on Wednesdays in our recently refurbished clubrooms, with the aim of constructing, operating, exhibiting and enjoying model railways.

As well as local modellers, we have several members who come from far and wide; distance does not seem to be an issue, as we have members from throughout Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire.

We are a 'not-for-profit' organisation, ploughing any monies raised back into running the club, maintaining our workshops and building layouts - most of which, we exhibit at model railway shows, both locally and up and down the country.

We also take great pride in hosting our own model railway shows, one held in Pickering (one - the weekend after the Easter bank holidays and another i Scarborough - the weekend of the Spring bank holiday).

SDRM has been based in its current location since 1983 and is close to Scarborough's Fire Station and the Cricket Ground.  It has approximately 100m2 of workshop space (and social area) over two floors, and is home to a test track, which can accommodate 0, 0n30, 00, H0, 009 and N gauges and scales in both analogue and DCC, with programming facilities.

We have several portable layouts ready to be shown at exhibitions and we always have new projects underway.

Members' interests are varied and cover most popular scales as well as all aspects of the hobby including: layout design; research; baseboard construction; track laying; electrics/electronics; computer control; scenery; painting; weathering; kit building; scratch building and exhibiting at model railway shows, anywhere in the country.  In fact, we're interested in anything to do with model railways!

Whether you are a beginner looking to learn new skills or a seasoned modeller, you'll be made most welcome.  So why not come and see what we have to offer, and what you could gain from your visit.

Come and join us for a chat over a cuppa...


Click on the 'contact us' page and send a message to the Secretary.  He'll get in touch with further contact details.