CAMELOT was designed to show off what can be achieved in a very small space (4’ x 3’) with this “new” true scale system from Hornby, coupled with their new app-based Bluetooth controlled HM7000 operating system.
Although most running stock on Camelot is Post War Era 4 & 5, you may well see one or two Era 3 guests appearing, whilst this new range of products is in its infancy.
The centre piece of Camelot is the ROCO turntable with an eight-lane round house. This is re-finished in “Scalescenes” printed paper to make it look less Continental. The roundhouse is surrounded by two mainline running loops, a “working” loop with goods yard and separate coal staves and a raised level for rolling stock storage.
Behind the backscene is a simple but useful stock loading fiddle yard.All the locos have had lighting and power-banks retro fitted as these are not currently available within the Hornby range.