The trains are operated prototypically, with those approaching from Whitby and Grosmont working hard up the 1:49 gradient and appearing under the three-arch bridge at Darnholme. Once in the station, the train then awaits the arrival of the north bound train before leaving in the Pickering direction, passing under the single lane road bridge and around the corner to Fen Bog and beyond.
Hornby inform us that this layout was one of the first on the exhibition scene powered by their 'eLink' + 'Railmaster' operating system. Goathland's DCC system is used in conjunction with iPads (used as remote controllers). Technology is really taking our hobby forward in the 21st Century: this layout has computerisation, sound, working semaphore signals and scenic animation.
As an exhibition layout, it needed to be realistic yet manageable and sectionalised. It was immediately evident that a great deal of space would normally be needed but, as is often the case when building a layout at home - the room available for construction set the maximum size possible.
Frequently heard words during design and construction were 'compromise' and 'make it smaller'. But even with these constraints, we hope that we have provided you with an acceptable representation of the station.