Welcome to Scarborough & District Railway Modellers' website

Railway modelling

for 46 years



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Falcon Road was at the BRM's National Festival of Railway Modelling at the NEC.

A great show with thousands of visitors, despite the weather!





Yorkshire Pennines   

was there as well.   

Loads of interest in 
computerised control.


Four new layouts are being built at the Club:  

  • 00 gauge (16ft x 2ft)   Grosmont
  • H0 gauge (9ft x 4ft)    a Marklin 3 rail DCC layout
  • TT120     (4ft x 2ft)    Marwar Junction - a shunting puzzle
  • N gauge  (5ft x 21/2ft) Museum Yard

One of the advantages of being a Club member is that help is always at hand...