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Latest News


earlier news items can found here

A Financial Update was given by our Treasurer on Wednesday 29th January, outlining the expected income and expenditure for 2025.  It emphasised the importance of our two Shows, as they account for 80% of our revenue!

PAT Testing - a necessary evil, we're told.  More and more exhibitions (and the venues they are held in) are now insisting on all electrical items being PAT tested and our layouts to have a valid PAT certificate.  These only last for 12 months, so we're asking our local electrician back to the Club on the 27th January to undertake more tests.  As well as testing layouts, he also tests all the Club electrical items (heaters, kettle, microwave, test track etc) to ensure everything is safe.  If you have any item you'd like testing (last year the charge was £1 per item), please let us know.

Xmas/New Year.  After the Clubrooms would have been closed for the holiday fortnight, our first meeting of the new year (8th Jan) would usually feature a buffet and entertainment.  Unfortunately, the weather had other ideas and the evening session was cancelled.