Sorry folks,
I've been called away - family issue. Back on Thursday 13th. Roland
Chairman’s Weekly Message 4th February 2025
Hello all,
Many thanks to Dave for doing a weekly report last week. I’m sure we all found your report on our finances very informative. It’s good that, with the accounts package you’ve set up for the club, you’re able to instantly access most things to do with our finances as and when needed.
We’ve now packed our Napier Road layout in readiness for our trip to Doncaster this weekend with only a couple of things to sort before leaving on Friday. Some help would be appreciated tomorrow in getting the trolley out from above the stairs, as it will be needed for the weekend.
Roland is travelling down for the day on Saturday and still has room for anyone who would like to go to the show. Chris Blackstone is hoping to go on Sunday and has also offered to take anyone who would like to go. Please let us know tomorrow at the club if you’re interested.
It is hoped we can make a start on the top floor tomorrow sorting things out and clearing up in order to assemble our Durham Street layout. Napier Road will also be moved upstairs after the Doncaster show. Chris Hobbs has informed John and I that he will be taking his TT 120 layout to his home tomorrow. At the moment he’s really busy at work and hasn’t the time to complete it. Hopefully once he gets a bit of time it will be completed and we’ll see it at one of our shows.
We will open as usual at 2pm tomorrow. I understand that some members work and can’t attend in the afternoon so if you are going to attend in the evening, please could you send me a text before 6pm so arrangements can be made for the clubroom to stay open. My phone number is 07966 230271
If no texts arrive we will see who is still at the club and close to suit up to 7-30pm. Many thanks Ian
This week’s communication comes from your Treasurer - 28 Jan 2025
Dear members,
As it’s the beginning of the year, I thought it would be useful to share with all of you the club’s projected income/expenditure for 2025, which was discussed at our recent committee meeting. I won’t publish sensitive figures on here, but I will discuss them with you all on Wednesday.
Our largest outgoings are the costs of running the clubroom and the administration of the club. There are also costs for constructing club layouts to take into consideration, which have been budgeted for.
Our only assured income is from subscriptions (13% of projected income), bank interest, TMC sponsorship and, of course, the surplus made from our two annual shows which is the largest income for the club (80% of projected income), and the reason why it survives, and why subscriptions are only a £1 per week. The possibility of extra income comes only from an invite to attend a NYMR gala or the sale of club assets, a redundant layout for example. Although neither are guaranteed.
We do enjoy a healthy current account balance and a business savings account. That savings account is the club’s safety net, in case our clubroom rent increases or we have to relocate.
It also allows for any unforeseen circumstances, for example having to cancel a show at short notice. This happened to the Kilmarnock model railway show at the weekend. It was cancelled on the Friday morning due to the storm force winds, something that was unforeseen and out of their control, but will have a big impact on their club finances.
Our income/expenditure are pretty much like for like. However, a surplus may be made if we do sell a club asset or are invited to exhibit at a NYMR gala.
See you Wednesday. Thanks. David
Chairman’s Weekly Message 21st January 2025
Hello all,
Many thanks to the members who helped sort out the two donated layouts last Wednesday. John, our workshop manager, has now disposed of what was left taking the scrap items to the tip. The few remaining bits and pieces have been handed over to Dave Pywell, who has offered to try and sell them for us at some of the train fairs he attends.
It was good to see members having a go at running our ‘0’ gauge layout, Napier Road, last week, getting experience with our Digitrax system. Hopefully, you’ll be able to help run the layout at one of the shows we’ll be attending this year.
We’ve had an invite to attend the Driffield model railway show on Saturday 22nd March. This is a charity event for the Wensleydale Railway so we get no expenses for attending. Roland has agreed to take Arncliffe (his grandson’s ‘00’ layout) and has asked if anyone would like to go with him to run it. I understand that Dave will be there with his trade stand, so it will be good for us as we can advertise our forthcoming home shows. I will speak with you all tomorrow and bring you up to date with this show.
We have an electrician coming in to the club on Monday 27th January to undertake PAT testing of electrical items in the club. If anyone has anything they want testing, please have a word with me tomorrow, and I’ll give you more information.
Tomorrow, we will open as usual at 2pm. I understand that some members work and can’t attend in the afternoon so if you are going to attend in the evening, please could you send me a text before 6pm so arrangements can be made for the clubroom to stay open. My phone number is 07966 230271 If no texts arrive, we will see who is still at the club and close to suit up to 7-30pm.
Many thanks Ian
Chairman’s Weekly Message 14th January 2025
Hello all,
The committee held their first meeting of the New Year last Wednesday, and the minutes of the meeting will be available for you to read shortly on our website.
Our new workshop manager John Bayes will be asking for help over the next couple of weeks or so. We need to have a good tidy up on both floors of the club so we can work more easily on our club layouts. As you will have seen two layouts have been donated to the club and once checked over anything not required will be taken to the tip. We also need to have a clear-out of the loft areas which are full of things that may or may not be needed anymore.
Tomorrow we’ll be checking over ‘Napier Road’ to see we have everything needed for our trip to Doncaster over the weekend of 8/9th February. Once sorted, the layout will be packed in readiness for the weekend. If anyone is thinking of coming to the show please let me know and I’ll try and get some spare passes for you. Last time we were there, they gave me about half a dozen which will save you the entry cost.
Tomorrow, we will open as usual at 2pm. I understand that some members work and can’t attend in the afternoon, so if you are going to attend in the evening, please could you send me a text before 6pm so arrangements can be made for the clubroom to stay open. My phone number is 07966 230271 If no texts arrive we will see who is still at the club and close to suit up to 7-30pm.
Many thanks Ian
Chairman’s Weekly Message 6th January 2025
Hello all,
I hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year and you got all the presents you wanted from Father Christmas!!!
Wednesday morning we will be holding our first committee meeting of the new committee.
The club will be open as usual from 2pm but due to the weather conditions at the moment we will be closing at 4-30pm to allow members to get home safely.
Our post-Christmas special evening will therefore be cancelled for the time being and once the weather improves we will re-arrange a new date.
Our treasurer has asked me to mention that the York Toy and Train fair will be taking place this Saturday at the Sports Arena, University of York Sports Centre, Heslington, York, YO10 5NA.
February 8/9th will see two of our layouts at the Doncaster model railway exhibition. In the past, we have seen a really good turnout of members for this show. I will be asking if any of you are thinking about travelling down, and if you are, I will try and get extra passes for you, which will save you having to pay to get in.
That’s it for now, hope to see you Wednesday. Ian